We Sing the Body Eclectic

What a joy it is to be healthy without quantifiers. Though plus in size, I’ve never heard my doctor temper his assessments with things like “for your size” or even “for your age.” Turns out, I’m doing more right than wrong. Though I may be eating too much, I’m eating well. I walk regularly. Plus I stress less than most and always remember to take time for me. Mostly, I feel great. Sure, I get the annual BMI spiel from {Read More}

Fruit Loopy

I love veggies. I’d like to tell you that I eat them for the health of it; but the truth is I like the way they taste. I’ll eat anything green and leafy, go back for seconds and, once the table is cleared, polish off any additional stems and leaves — all before the dishwasher soap dispenser pops open, heralding the wash cycle. It’s fair to say that I get my daily 3-5 servings as well as yours. I credit {Read More}