What’s Your Superpower?

wonderwoman2I have an undying, somewhat obsessive love of Wonder Woman.

I love her fight for justice, love, peace, and sexual equality (and one heck of a pair of boots!). In fact, when I am down, I like to listen to the Wonder Woman theme song and dance around my house.

One of my favorite things about Wonder Woman, and about superheroes in general, is that they each have unique gift that they share with the world, a unique service that makes the world a better place.

So what is your superpower?

We are unique, quirky individuals. And, like superheroes, we all have a unique gift to give to the world, to make it a better place.

How do we discover our superpower and begin to cultivate it as a gift to the world? Ask! Poll your co-workers, your friends and your families. What do others see as your strengths, gifts and talents?

What exists at the intersection of your passion and your skills? Take some time to journal. Note what makes you the most excited, the most passionate. Then analyze what you are good at and try to see where these two areas might intersect.  Allow this to guide you in career, work and life decisions.

Let go of your weaknesses! Doesn’t that sound nice? Evaluate those things that are not your strong points ~ and let go of them.  Maybe you have a friend with opposite strengths and you can work together to allow you both to enhance your strengths. Delegate, share or just let go of the things that you are not good at.

Then go nuts with those superpowers! Overwhelm the world with the gifts that make you uniquely you. You and the world will become a better place.

Lisa Zahiya is an award winning bellydance and hip hop performer, instructor and dance studio owner. Lisa  has her home base at Studio Zahiya in quirky Asheville, NC and travels nationally and internationally teaching and performing.

Winner of the 2008 Bellydancer of the Univer competition, Lisa’s unique style and fusion dance forms has gained her recognition in the International bellydance community. She travels, teaching workshops, performing and developing curriculum. She has developed a fusion dance curriculum for a dance school in San Raphael, France. She serves as guest faculty at Sahara Dance in Washington, DC.

At home, she is faculty at the University of North Carolina, Asheville, where she teaches bhangra, hip hop and bellydance. She also served as an Ambassador for Lululemon Athletica, Asheville.

She also loves shoes, gluten free cupcakes, silly dances and being an advocate for women and children.

Find out more about her at www.lisazahiya.com


  1. I also have a great fondness for Wonder Woman. LOL

a peep out of you