Being Awesome Anyway

practiceawesomeAs a rule, I preach thriving, not surviving.

In life, I (usually) practice what I preach. I love adventure. I choose “yes” and wear leopard print and glitter while running a successful dance business.  I believe that I, and all humans, are amazing creatures with amazing, awesome potential.

But recently I have been feeling…not that awesome.

Under the burden of a heavy workload, the lack of work/life balance, trouble quitting a toxic relationship, some health issues, and an impending “BIG” birthday, I have been feeling both the blues and not all that awesome.

Still, I desire – even need – to commit to being awesome anyway. I sat down with myself, and pondered how I can, even in a hard time, be awesome anyway.

Here are my thoughts to how I will commit to being awesome in life’s less than stellar times:

Accepting Where I Am.  Life wouldn’t be all that amazing if there weren’t twists and turns, ups and downs.  So I am committing to breathing deep and practicing acceptance. I have the words “let go” tattooed on my arm as a constant reminder to do just that – let go and allow the world to happen.  I have learned that breathing and allowing things to happen is often a humbling and amazing experience.

Practicing Gratitude.  Last week, when I was feeling particularly gloomy, I elected to start saying “thank you” as much as I could. I thanked my sweet and amazing girlfriends who would rally around me, being goofy, steadfast, and supportive.  I said “thank you” to every dance student I had. I said “thank you” to my parents for such an amazing upbringing.  I said “thank you” for the beautiful sunset.  And suddenly, I realized how blessed I really am.

Defining My Purpose.  I am letting my cloudier times shift my worldview. I am asking myself “What is the purpose of my life? What is truly important?” Big changes and challenges are a gift – an opportunity for a fresh perspective to reassess goals and purpose.

Ask “Is this a problem I should fix, put up with or walk away from?” The next step I take after self-reflection is action. For each issue I was having, I asked “Do I do something about it, accept it, or walk away from it?” – Work-life balance? Fix! I am carving out me time and pairing down my commitments. Negative Relationships? WALK AWAY! Impending Birthday? Well, my only option is acceptance of this one!

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Me Celebrating Me

Be Around Awesome People. The thing is, it’s hard not to feel awesome around awesome! These last few weeks, I have reached out to friends and colleagues who I find especially awesome for advice and for fun and for joyfulness.

Celebrate ME! Most importantly, I am celebrating all the things that make me uniquely me. The other day, I was feeling at a bit of a low and instead of wearing my yoga pants out, I wore a zebra print dress, pleather leggings, and high heels. I did that because that is me – eccentric, joyful, zany me.

Be you. Be awesome!


Lisa Zahiya is an award winning bellydance and hip hop performer, instructor and dance studio owner. Lisa  has her home base at Studio Zahiya in quirky Asheville, NC and travels nationally and internationally teaching and performing.

Winner of the 2008 Bellydancer of the Univer competition, Lisa’s unique style and fusion dance forms has gained her recognition in the International bellydance community. She travels, teaching workshops, performing and developing curriculum. She has developed a fusion dance curriculum for a dance school in San Raphael, France. She serves as guest faculty at Sahara Dance in Washington, DC.

At home, she is faculty at the University of North Carolina, Asheville, where she teaches bhangra, hip hop and bellydance. She also served as an Ambassador for Lululemon Athletica, Asheville.

She also loves shoes, gluten free cupcakes, silly dances and being an advocate for women and children.

Find out more about her at


  1. Jennifer says

    Love this post, Lisa!

  2. caroline says

    My saviour! Words of mighty wisdom missing u Lisa Z♡

  3. Gabrielle says

    Such a great post, thank you for reminding us all of the things in our lives that are choices and not just happenings that require acceptance!

  4. Patricia says

    A blessed Thank-You Lisa for this most awesome post.! Oh how I needed this! I am giving out a HUGE virtual hug to you and my glorious friend Aurora for sharing your post! Life is so spectacular with ladies like you !!! <3

a peep out of you